第143章 六道之变
作者:潜水长      更新:2020-07-27 22:13      字数:7335
  i find a place to have a try, later in the yuan, it is also common to this sichuan net force of the wind.
  next six changed the second time, which became a “sichuan mountain“ where is this going to mean, is also the formation method of birth and death of the dow material after started the raw function but slowly began the process of aging and to the place of death, like a knife out of the building that moment as used can wear slowly until it becomes a piece of rubbish, that is to become the biggest force of death is birth and death method.
  on the way from birth to death when you can use the power of the catalytic, destruction, can quickly let the material recession, of course, also including biological life, the evolution of sichuan mountain is the birth and death method are used to the power of substance transformation and destruction.
  next six third variable, chuande mean in sichuan of the land of the world's most powerful strength is the power of consciousness, they want to do one thing in consciousness through the thinking way to put the idea into conditions, by the idea into the outside world things in mind.
  so from yuan place to work the land, want to pass on to sichuan and the world will have to be the power of consciousness of people in sichuan, just like we use in our rmb dream resin river resin to obtain work place of the soul stone as gas, so we must also be in workers who build a resin has the effect of the second dream river, from there into the consciousness of people in sichuan, at the same time also can use in yin force of cause and effect, influence their bodies for sichuan and the projection of consciousness.
  this forces take control of the awareness of people in sichuan.
  listen to understand?
  then the fourth, six this what is the change rule of six metempsychosis, why is sichuan mountain or chuande close, why not be sichuan mountain, chuande i interrupt wang erli a face of the child can be taught good protege of expression.
  wang erli disgruntled saw my one eye, he just said let me write down the content, as if just know i will so constantly interrupted his parlance, but he still answered me.
  the sichuan and the six cycles is derived from sichuan culture before the frozen period, civilization at that time due to the planet's climate change nearly extinct, they are in the form of the six metempsychosis inheritance at the core of civilization and wisdom.
  i said just now, the place of sichuan eight energy elements, do you remember what is eight?
  heaven and earth, the moon and sun, world, storm, i answered him.
  for, there is a smile wang erli, this force has six of eight cycle of change, and become the way steps are the same, the change of six contains the sichuan historically at the core of wisdom, to say it is the heaven and earth.
  i began to regret why i have to ask this question...
  you see, he pointed to the right hand palm, people hand in addition to the thumb, all of the finger knuckles are three knuckles, the thumb is also called lord, its two knuckles said all of the elements are divided into yin and yang between heaven and earth, and the remaining two hands of eight finger represents the eight elements.
  so what do you see any two corresponding to a total of six finger knuckles, representing the six metempsychosis, then each element and the other a elements into contact and function.
  as eight element with the palm distribution and to illustrate, is sichuan place of the invention, there is also called the return to the world, contains great wisdom person in charge of all the metaphor.
  either an element, the first change is the order, we come one by one, do you want to learn to ask questions, and questions to ask for such as well, just ask our time is limited, of course, i choose urgent question answer you.
  we have just said what changed (how he like a kind of old man)
  chuande, listless i say (i also calculate, but how don't know if i would meet him, will take place after apparently met him upside down, how didn't feel yourself a little sign) is he conceals the phegda?
  what is the method for, chuande speak?
  is the birth and death method i answer listless, wang erli may feel initiations way some boring, so he got up and i'll show you.
  well, i have a trick looked down a spirit, he seemed to know what i think, helpless shook his head.
  this chuande like sunrise and sunset, flower, flower fade if you are just to see the evolution principle that you can only make an everyman, recruit a hand called me and he came to the tents outside together, pointing to the front of a dead tree, not far from his pocket and took out a stone soul gas dry food away in the past, he sprinkle dry food in their roots, and the soil of the roots began to loose the dry food soon in infiltration of soil on the dead tree snorting, tree branches swaying can clearly feel the joy of.
  wang erli looked back at me, i also looked at him, waiting for him to do something avatar the world to me.
  this is the body he said...
  i murmured in my mouth, you would not say this is cut method, yes, this is the power of destroy the french king two satisfactory said...
  this is what ah, fertilization is body, the tree is cut method, this is the land of sichuan and the great wisdom?
  wang erli sword back, patted the dead tree, the tree with a noise,“says the body is every organism needs to live the necessary elements, as long as you have mastered what they need, you have to make it for you use the power of this is born, but if it is the enemy of you this body at this point is useless, you will have destroyed method.
  born in sichuan, also known as grams of gold, are wood consumed, this you must be thinking i said is all useless, so now i ask you, dream body building of the river and the enlargement of the resin depends on what kind of body?
  wang erli glanced at me, gold hands county, undead forest, the birth and death of the dream resin city has its specific method, you are not take me to your army and they constantly fought, i want you to find against their birth death through the force method of eight, so that you can use a small price to obtain the biggest benefit.
  this is the wisdom of the eight, you always thought depends on tongtian complete humanitarian law for their own needs, it is the method of theravada, of course also need, i will teach you.