4 数学
作者:李文昊      更新:2022-02-19 10:29      字数:8910
  4 数学
  maths [mæθs] n 数学
  eg. to tell the truth, my favorite subject is maths.
  mathematician [ˌmæθəmə'tɪʃn] n 数学家;
  mathematical [ˌmæθə'mætɪkl] adj 数学的,精确的;
  mathematically [ˌmæθə'mætɪklɪ] adv 数学上地
  mathematics [ˌmæθə'mætɪks] n 数学
  arithmetic [ə'rɪθmətɪk] n 算术
  eg. due to his poor arithmetic, his mother decided to send him to a cram school.
  mental arithmetic 心算;
  arithmetical [ˌærɪθ'metɪkl] adj 算术的,算术上的;
  arithmetically [ˌærɪθ'metɪklɪ] adv 算术上地
  add [æd] v 加,添加
  eg. add some sugar into the coffee and it will taste better.
  addition [ə'dɪʃn] n 加法;
  plus [plʌs] prep 加;
  plus sign 加号;
  additivity [ædɪ'tɪvɪtɪ] n 相加性
  subtract [səb'trækt] v 减,减去
  eg. i am teaching my daughter how to subtract one number from another.
  subtraction [səb'trækʃn] n 减法,减去,扣除;
  minus ['maɪnəs] prep 减,减去;
  minus sign 减号
  multiply ['mʌltɪplaɪ] v 乘,乘以
  eg. what will you get if you multiply fifty-nine by fifty-nine?
  multiplication [ˌmʌltɪplɪ'keɪʃn] n 乘,相乘;
  multiplication table 乘法表;
  multiple ['mʌltɪpl] n 倍数;
  multiplication sign 乘号
  double ['dʌbl] v 使加倍
  eg. if we can finish this task on schedule, our boss will double our salary.
  double figures 两位数;
  double-figure ['dʌbl'fɪgə] adj 两位数的;
  redouble [ri:'dʌbl] v 加倍;
  reduplicate [ˌri:'dju:plɪkeɪt] v 加倍,重复
  divide [dɪ'vaɪd] v 除以
  eg. we all know that five can't be divided by three.
  divisible [dɪ'vɪzəbl] adj 可分的,可除尽的;
  indivisible [ˌɪndɪ'vɪzəbl] adj 不可分割的,除不尽的;
  division [dɪ'vɪʒn] n 除法,分割,裂;
  division sign 除号
  "ient ['kwəʊʃnt] n 商
  eg. which number is the "ient in the equation?
  derivative [dɪ'rɪvətɪv] n 导数;
  remainder [rɪ'meɪndə(r)] n 余数;
  difference ['dɪfrəns] n 差;
  value ['vælju:] n 值
  function ['fʌŋkʃn] n 函数
  eg. do you think that function is very difficult?
  functional ['fʌŋkʃənl] adj 函数的;
  coefficient [ˌkəʊɪ'fɪʃnt] n 系数;
  variable ['veərɪəbl] n 变量;
  invariable [ɪn'veərɪəbl] n 常数
  number ['nʌmbə(r)] n 数字
  eg. do you know his telephone number?
  numberless ['nʌmbələs] adj 无数的,难以计数的;
  numeracy ['nju:mərəsɪ] n 计算能力;
  numerate ['nju:mərət] adj 计算能力好的;
  numeral ['nju:mərəl] n 数字,数码
  decimal ['desɪml] adj 小数的; n 小数
  eg. the answer to this arithmetic problem involves a circulating decimal.
  decimal point 小数点;
  finite decimal 有尽小数;
  recurring decimal 循环小数
  integer ['ɪntɪdʒə(r)] n 整数
  eg. please tell me the conception of integer.
  whole number 整数;
  ordinal ['ɔ:dɪnl] n 序数词;
  natural number 自然数;
  negative ['negətɪv] n 负数;
  positive ['pɒzətɪv] n 正数
  fraction ['frækʃn] n 分数,小数
  eg. write down the numerator and denominator of this fraction.
  fractional ['frækʃənl] adj 分数的,小数的;
  vulgar fraction 普通分数;
  numerator ['nju:məreɪtə(r)] n 分子;
  denominator [dɪ'nɒmɪneɪtə(r)] n 分母
  percent [pə'sent] n 百分比,百分数
  eg. ninety percent of students have passed this exam.
  percentage [pə'sentɪdʒ] n 百分率,百分比;
  percentile [pə'sentaɪl] n 百分位数;
  percent sign 百分比符号
  equal ['i:kwəl] v 等于
  eg. one kilometer equals 1,000 meters.
  equation [ɪ'kweɪʒn] n 相等,均衡,方程式;
  equality [ɪ'kwɒlətɪ] n 同等,平等;
  equally ['i:kwəlɪ] adv 相等地,同样地;
  equivalent [ɪ'kwɪvələnt] adj 等价的,相等的; n 相等物
  algebra ['ældʒɪbrə] n 代数
  eg. we started to learn algebra when we were in the high school.
  algebraic [ˌældʒɪ'breɪɪk] adj 代数的,代数学的;
  algebraist [ældʒɪb'reɪɪst] n 代数学家
  geometry [dʒɪ'ɒmətrɪ] n 几何(学)
  eg. he is good at algebra and geometry.
  geometric [ˌdʒi:ə'metrɪk] adj 几何(学)的;
  geometrical [ˌdʒi:ə'metrɪkl] adj 几何学的,几何的;
  geometrician [ˌdʒɪəʊme'trɪʃən] n 几何学家;
  golden section 黄金分割
  line [laɪn] n 线,线条
  eg. i didn't know why he drew some lines in this document.
  line segment 线段;
  beeline ['bi:laɪn] n 直线;
  rectilinear [ˌrektɪ'lɪnɪə(r)] adj 直线的,笔直的;
  linear ['lɪnɪə(r)] adj 直线的,线状的;
  ray [reɪ] n 射线
  parallel ['pærəlel] adj 平行的; n 平行线
  eg. our maths teacher is drawing two parallel lines on the blackboard.
  midpoint ['mɪdpɔɪnt] n 中点;
  endpoint ['endpɔɪt] n 端点,终点;
  oblique [ə'bli:k] adj (线)斜的,倾斜的
  extend [ɪk'stend] v 延伸
  eg. he is busy with extending his garden.
  extendable [ɪk'stendəbl] adj 可延长的;
  extended [ɪk'stendɪd] adj 延长了的;
  extension [ɪk'stenʃn] n 延伸;
  extension lead 接长线路
  vertical ['vɜ:tɪkl] n 垂直线
  eg. if you draw a vertical here, you will solve this maths problem easily.
  intersect [ˌɪntə'sekt] v 相交,交叉;
  intersection [ˌɪntə'sekʃn] n 交叉,相交
  perpendicular [ˌpɜ:pən'dɪkjələ(r)] n 垂直线
  triangle ['traɪæŋgl] n 三角形
  eg. after arriving there we knew the play was performed on a triangle stage.
  equilateral triangle 等边三角形;
  isosceles triangle 等腰三角形;
  right triangle 直角三角形;
  hypotenuse [haɪ'pɒtənju:z] n (直角三角形的)斜边
  angle ['æŋgl] n 角
  eg. please show me the way to find a supplementary angle.
  acute angle 锐角;
  obtuse angle 钝角;
  supplementary angle 补角;
  complementary angle 余角;
  goniometer [ˌgəʊnɪ'ɒmɪtə] n 角度计
  quadrangle ['kwɒdræŋgl] n 四边形
  eg. our maths teacher told us a square is a special quadrangle.
  quadrilateral [ˌkwɒdrɪ'lætərəl] adj 四边形的;
  opposite angle 对角;
  adjacent angle 邻角
  pentagon ['pentəgən] n 五边形,五角形
  eg. please teach me how to draw a pentagon.
  pentagonal [pen'tægənl] adj 五角的,五边形的;
  the pentagon 五角大楼;
  pentagram ['pentəgræm] n 五角星形;
  perimeter [pə'rɪmɪtə(r)] n 周长
  sine [saɪn] n 正弦
  eg. our maths teacher is delivering a lecture about sine.
  cosine ['kəʊsaɪn] n 余弦;
  sinusoid ['saɪnəsɔɪd] n 正弦曲线;
  tangent ['tændʒənt] n 正切;
  cotangent ['kəʊ'tændʒənt] n 余切
  circle ['sɜ:kl] n 圆,圆形
  eg. let's sit in a circle and then tell stories one by one.
  radius ['reɪdɪəs] n 半径;
  diameter [daɪ'æmɪtə(r)] n 直径;
  center ['sentə] n 圆心;
  chord [kɔ:d] n 弦
  sector ['sektə(r)] n 扇形
  eg. please figure out the area of this sector.
  arc [ɑ:k] n 弧;
  concentric [kən'sentrɪk] adj (圆)同心的;
  camber ['kæmbə(r)] n 弧形;
  cambered ['kæmbəd] adj 弧形的
  tangent line ['tændʒənt][laɪn] 切线
  eg. do i need to draw a tangent line of this circle?
  tangency ['tændʒənsɪ] n 相切;
  tangential [tæn'dʒenʃl] adj 相切的;
  contingency [kən'tɪndʒənsɪ] n 相切
  solid ['sɒlɪd] n 立体图形
  eg. can you give us more details about a solid?
  cube [kju:b] n 立方体;
  cuboid ['kju:bɔɪd] n 长方体;cylinder ['sɪlɪndə(r)] n 圆柱体;
  cone [kəʊn] n 圆锥体;sphere [sfɪə(r)] n 球体,球形
  square [skweə(r)] n 正方形
  eg. what is the difference between a square and a rectangle?
  rectangle ['rektæŋgl] n 长方形,矩形;
  parallelogram [ˌpærə'leləgræm] n 平行四边形;
  rhombus ['rɒmbəs] n 菱形;
  trapezoid ['træpəzɔɪd] n 梯形
  perimeter [pə'rɪmɪtə(r)] n 周长
  eg. please measure the perimeter of this new-built garden.
  circumference [sə'kʌmfərəns] n 圆周长;
  side [saɪd] n 边长
  surface area ['sɜ:fɪs]['eərɪə] 表面积
  eg. i have worked out the surface area of this cylinder.
  superficial [ˌsu:pə'fɪʃl] adj 表面的;
  superficies [ˌsu:pə'fɪʃi:z] n 表面,面积;
  surface [''sɜ:fɪs] n 表面
  calculate ['kælkjʊleɪt] v 计算
  eg. can you help me to calculate the result of the maths problem?
  calculation [ˌkælkjʊ'leɪʃn] n 计算;考虑,预料;
  calculable ['kælkjələbl] adj 可计算的,可信赖的,可靠的;
  calculator ['kælkjʊleɪtə(r)] n 计算器;
  calculus ['kælkjələs] n 微积分
  curve [kɜ:v] n 曲线
  eg. the police found that the wall is full of mysterious curves.
  curved [kɜ:vd] adj 弯曲的;
  curvy ['kɜːvɪ] adj 有曲线的;
  parabola [pə'ræbələ] n 抛物线;vertex ['vɜ:teks] n 顶点
  root [ru:t] n 方根,根
  eg. what is the square root of this number?
  square root 平方根;cube root 立方根;
  rooting ['ru:tɪŋ] n 求根,开平方
  compasses ['kʌmpəsɪs] n 圆规,两脚规
  eg. if you want to draw a circle, you had better use compasses.
  dividers [dɪ'vaɪdəz] n 分线规,两脚规;
  calliper ['kælɪpə(r)] n 圆规,纸的厚度;
  protractor [prə'træktə(r)] n 量角器,测绘者
  congruent ['kɒŋgrʊənt] adj 全等的
  eg. our maths teacher is teaching us what kind of triangles can be
  called congruent triangles.
  congruence ['kɒŋgrʊəns] n 全等,统一;
  congruity [kən'gru:ɪtɪ] n 一致,适合,全等;
  congruous ['kɒngrʊəs] adj 一致的,全等的
  cone [kəʊn] n 圆锥(体),圆锥形; v 使成锥形
  eg. next i will draw a picture of cone and tell you some features of the cone.
  conical ['kɒnɪkl] adj 圆锥形(体)的;
  solid ['sɒlɪd] adj 实心的,固体的; n 固体;
  hollow ['hɒləʊ] adj 空心的
  conjugate ['kɒndʒəgeɪt] adj 成对的,对轭的; n 成对生,共轭值
  eg. the key point of this maths problem is to find out conjugate angles.
  conjugation [ˌkɒndʒʊ'geɪʃn] n 结合,共轭;
  conjugate angles 共轭角;
  conjugate point 共轭点
  complexity [kəm'pleksətɪ] n 复杂性,错综性
  eg. to tell you the truth, the complexity of this situation is out of my control.
  complex ['kɒmpleks] adj 复合的,复杂的; n 复杂体,复句;
  complicate ['kɒmplɪkeɪt] v 使复杂,使卷入;
  complicated ['kɒmplɪkeɪtɪd] adj 复杂的,费解的
  complication [ˌkɒmplɪ'keɪʃn] n 纠纷,复杂,纠葛
  approximation [əˌprɒksɪ'meɪʃn] n 接近,近似值
  eg. i've worked out the approximation of cost that we spent on food.
  approximate [ə'prɒksɪmət] adj 大概的; v 接近,近似;
  approximately [ə'prɒksɪmətlɪ] adv 大约,近似地
  asymmetric [ˌeɪsɪ'metrɪk] adj 不对称的
  eg. if you observe carefully, you will find that they are asymmetric actually.
  asymmetrically [ˌeɪsɪ'metrɪklɪ] adv 不对称地;
  asymmetry [ˌeɪ'sɪmətrɪ] n 不对称,不匀称;
  asymmetrical [ˌeɪsɪ'metrɪkl] adj 不对称的
  symmetry ['sɪmətrɪ] n 对称
  eg. please find out the axis of symmetry of this figure and mark it with a line.
  symmetrical [sɪ'metrɪkl] adj 对称的;
  symmetrically [sɪ'metrɪklɪ] adv 对称地;
  axis of symmetry 对称轴
  axis ['æksɪs] n 坐标轴
  eg. now you should know what vertical axis is and what a horizontal axis is in an axis.
  vertical axis 纵轴;
  horizontal axis 横轴;
  quadrant ['kwɒdrənt] n 象限,四分之一圆周
  axiom ['æksɪəm] n 公理
  eg. since it is an axiom, we can use it to solve this maths problem.
  axiomatic [ˌæksɪə'mætɪk] adj 公理的,不需要证明的;
  axiomatically [ˌæksɪə'mætɪklɪ] adv 照公理,自明地;
  theorem ['θɪərəm] n 定理;
  ratiocination [ˌrætɪɒsɪ'neɪʃɵn] n 推论