3 班级
作者:李文昊      更新:2022-02-19 10:29      字数:8128
  3 班级
  teach [ti:tʃ] n (taught, taught) 教(课程),讲授,教授
  eg. if necessary, i will teach you how to use this card.
  teacher ['ti:tʃə(r)] n 教师,老师;
  teacher training 教师培训;
  teaching ['ti:tʃɪŋ] n 教学,授课;
  teaching assistant 教学助理
  instruct [ɪn'strʌkt] n 教授,传授(技能等)
  eg. anyway i will instruct you how to use the fax machine.
  instruction [ɪn'strʌkʃn] n 指导,教授,教导;
  instructional [ɪn'strʌkʃənl] adj 教学的,教育的;
  instructive [ɪn'strʌktɪv] adj 有教育意义的,增长知识的;
  instructor [ɪn'strʌktə(r)] n 导师,(大学)讲师
  coach [kəʊtʃ] n 教练,辅导教师; v 训练,指导
  eg. when will you coach me on how to ride a bike?
  coaching ['kəʊtʃɪŋ] n 训练,指导;
  tutor ['tju:tə(r)] n 家庭教师; v 进行单独辅导,任……的私人
  教师;tutorial [tju:'tɔ:rɪəl] adj 私人教师的,辅导的
  train [treɪn] v 培训,训练
  eg. who will train us in this summer camp?
  trainee [ˌtreɪ'ni:] n 接受培训者,实习生;
  trainer ['treɪnə(r)] n 教员,教练员;
  training ['treɪnɪŋ] n 培训,训练;
  training college 专科学院,职业(培训)学院
  lecture ['lektʃə(r)] n 讲座; v 开讲座,讲授
  eg. professor wang is going to lecture american literature for us.
  lecturer ['lektʃərə(r)] n 授课者,(英国大学的)讲师;
  lectureship ['lektʃəʃɪp] n (英国大学的)讲师职位;
  lecture theatre 阶梯教室
  classroom ['klɑ:sru:m] n 教室
  eg. we are having an english lesson in the classroom.
  platform ['plætfɔ:m] n 讲台;
  blackboard ['blækbɔ:d] n 黑板;
  chalkboard ['tʃɔ:kbɔ:d] n 黑板;
  chalk [tʃɔ:k] n 粉笔
  desk [desk] n 书桌
  eg. that is your desk, and this is mine.
  row [rəʊ] n 排;file [faɪl] n 纵列;
  deskmate [desk'meɪt] n 同桌
  assign [ə'saɪn] v 分派,布置(任务等)
  eg. our maths teacher assigns us homework every day.
  assignment [ə'saɪnmənt] n (分派的)工作,任务;
  homework ['həʊmwɜ:k] n 家庭作业
  study ['stʌdɪ] v 学习,攻读
  eg. i am studying english grammar at this moment.
  study hall 自习室;
  science ['saɪəns] n 理科;
  arts [arts] n 文科
  memorize ['meməraɪz] v 记忆,记住
  eg. how can i memorize these things in such a short time?
  memory ['memərɪ] n 记忆力,记性;
  recite [rɪ'saɪt] v 背诵,朗诵;
  recitation [ˌresɪ'teɪʃn] n 朗诵,背诵
  remember [rɪ'membə(r)] v 记住,把……牢记在心
  note [nəʊt] n 笔记
  eg. she suggested me to take notes in class.
  comment ['kɒment] n 注释;
  annotation [ˌænə'teɪʃn] n 注解,评注;
  note [nəʊt] v 注解;record ['rekɔ:d] n 记录
  diary ['daɪərɪ] n 日记
  eg. she forms a good habit of keeping a diary in english every day.
  journal ['dʒɜ:nl] n 日志,日记;
  titbit ['tɪtbɪt] n 趣闻;
  episode ['epɪsəʊd] n 有趣的事件;
  anecdote ['ænɪkdəʊt] n 轶事
  learn [lɜ:n] v 学习,学会
  eg. can you help me to learn english?
  learned ['lɜ:nɪd] adj 有学问的,博学的;
  learner ['lɜ:nə(r)] n 学习者;learning ['lɜ:nɪŋ] n 学习;
  learning curve 学习曲线
  attentive [ə'tentɪv] adj 注意的,专心的
  eg. have you noticed that he is an attentive audience?
  attentively [ə'tentɪvlɪ] adv 注意地,留意地;
  attentiveness [ə'tentɪvnɪs] n 注意,专注;
  attention [ə'tenʃn] n 注意,注意力,照料,留心
  concentrate ['kɒnsntreɪt] v 聚精会神
  eg. i can't help but admire that you can concentrate on a book for such a long time.
  concentration [ˌkɒnsn'treɪʃn] n 专注,专心;集中;
  absorbed [əb'sɔ:bd] adj 全神贯注的;
  absorption [əb'sɔ:pʃn] n 全神贯注,专心
  absent-minded [ˌæbsənt'maɪndɪd] adj 心不在焉的
  eg. the absent-minded girl was criticized by her teacher.
  absently ['æbsəntlɪ] adv 心不在焉地;
  inattentive [ˌɪnə'tentɪv] adj 不注意的,粗心的;
  woolgather ['wʊlgæðə] v 出神,发愣
  diligent ['dɪlɪdʒənt] adj 勤奋的,用功的
  eg. it is no doubt that mary is very diligent in school.
  diligence ['dɪlɪdʒəns] n 勤奋,努力;
  diligently ['dɪlɪdʒəntlɪ] adv 勤奋地;
  industrious [ɪn'dʌstrɪəs] adj 勤劳的,勤奋的;
  industriously [ɪn'dʌstrɪəslɪ] adv 勤勉地,努力地
  text [tekst] n 课文
  eg. our teacher asks us to recite the text in ten minutes.
  textbook ['tekstbʊk] n 教科书,课本;
  coursebook ['kɔ:sbʊk] n 教科书,课本
  book [bʊk] n 书,书籍
  eg. i spend one hour in reading books every day.
  bookcase ['bʊkkeɪs] n 书架, 书柜;
  booklet ['bʊklət] n 小册子;
  bookmark ['bʊkmɑ:k] n 书签;
  bookworm ['bʊkwɜ:m] n 书虫
  bookstore ['bʊkstɔ:(r)] n 书店
  eg. do you often go to the bookstore near our school?
  bookstall ['bʊkstɔ:l] n 书报摊;
  bookseller ['bʊkselə(r)] n 售书员,书商;
  bookshop ['bʊkʃɒp] n 书店
  bind [baɪnd] v 装订
  eg. how long will it take you to bind a book?
  bookbinder ['bʊkbaɪndə(r)] n 装订工人;
  stapler ['steɪplə(r)] n 订书机;
  staple ['steɪpl] n 订书钉;
  binder ['baɪndə(r)] n 装订机
  stationery ['steɪʃənrɪ] n 文具
  eg. i want to go to a stationery store to buy a stationery case.
  stationer ['steɪʃənə(r)] n 文具商;
  stationer's ['steɪʃənəz] n 文具店
  binder ['baɪndə(r)] n 活页夹
  eg. would you mind passing me a binder?
  clipboard ['klɪpbɔ:d] n 附有纸夹的笔记板;写字夹板;
  ring binder 活页笔记本;
  folder ['fəʊldə(r)] n 文件夹;
  portfolio [pɔ:t'fəʊlɪəʊ] n 文件夹
  eraser [ɪ'reɪzə(r)] n 橡皮擦
  eg. may i borrow your eraser?
  erase [ɪ'reɪz] v 抹去,擦掉;erasure [ɪ'reɪʒə(r)] n 擦除,抹掉;
  rubber ['rʌbə(r)] n 橡胶;橡皮;rub [rʌb] v 擦,摩擦;
  correction fluid 涂改液
  pen [pen] n 笔,钢笔
  eg. he is writing a letter with his new pen.
  nib [nɪb] n 钢笔尖;
  ball-point pen 圆珠笔,圆珠尖;
  fountain pen 钢笔;
  penfriend ['penfrend] n 笔友
  ink [ɪŋk] n 墨水
  eg. there is no ink in my pen now.
  inkwell ['ɪŋkwel] n 墨水池;ink-jet printer 喷墨打印机;
  inky ['ɪŋkɪ] adj 墨水的,给墨水弄污的,漆黑的;
  pen-and-ink ['penənd'ɪŋk] adj 用钢笔画的
  pencil ['pensl] n 铅笔
  eg. my son is doing his homework with a pencil in his hand.
  pencil case 铅笔盒;
  pencil sharpener 转笔刀
  highlighter ['haɪlaɪtə(r)] n 荧光笔
  eg. i advised you to mark the wrong parts of the document with a highlighter.
  marker ['mɑ:kə(r)] n 记号笔;mark [mɑ:k] v 标记;
  underline [ˌʌndə'laɪn] v 在……下面划线;
  notation [nəʊ'teɪʃn] n 记号,标记法
  notebook ['nəʊtbʊk] n 笔记本
  eg. he noted down what the teacher said in his notebook.
  notepad ['nəʊtpæd] n 记事本;
  jotter ['dʒɒtə(r)] n 笔记薄;
  pocketbook ['pɒkɪtbʊk] n 袖珍本;皮夹
  emphasize ['emfəsaɪz] v 强调,使突出
  eg. he emphasized the importance of environment protection over and over again.
  emphasis ['emfəsɪs] n 强调,重点
  accentuate [ək'sentʃʊeɪt] v 强调;
  highlight ['haɪlaɪt] v 强调;
  stress [stres] v 强调
  exercise ['eksəsaɪz] n 习题,练习
  eg. please do the exercises on page 10.
  exercise book 练习本;
  workbook ['wɜ:kbʊk] n 练习册;
  worksheet ['wɜ:kʃi:t] n 活页练习题
  paper ['peɪpə(r)] n 纸,纸张
  eg. can you write them down on a piece of paper?
  paper knife 拆信刀;
  paperweight ['peɪpəweɪt] n 镇纸;
  paper clip 回形针,纸夹;
  craft knife 裁纸刀,削木刀
  question ['kwestʃən] n 问题,疑问
  eg. if you have any question, please raise your hand and ask.
  questionnaire [ˌkwestʃə'neə(r)] n 调查表,问卷;
  questionable ['kwestʃənəbl] adj 可疑的,可置疑的;
  questioning ['kwestʃənɪŋ] n 质问; adj 疑问的;
  questionably ['kwestʃənəblɪ] adv 可疑地
  answer ['ɑ:nsə(r)] n 答案
  eg. he is anxious to know the answer to this arithmetic question.
  answerable ['ɑ:nsərəbl] adj 可答复的;
  respond [rɪ'spɒnd] v 回答;
  response [rɪ'spɒns] n 答复,回答
  key [ki:] n 答案
  problem ['prɒbləm] n 难题
  eg. even the scholars can't solve such a hard problem.
  problem-solving ['prɒbləmsɒlvɪŋ] adj 问题解决的;
  puzzle ['pʌzl] v (使)迷惑;(使)苦思;
  difficult ['dɪfɪkəlt] adj 困难的,艰难的;
  difficulty ['dɪfɪkəltɪ] n 困难,费劲,难事
  solve [sɒlv] v 解答,破解
  eg. if you can solve the problem, i will treat you.
  solver ['sɒlvə(r)] n 解决者;
  solution [sə'lu:ʃn] n 解决,解答,解决办法;
  soluble ['sɒljəbl] adj 可溶解的,可解决的
  motto ['mɒtəʊ] n 格言,座右铭
  eg. all of you have mottos, and i will choose one sentence as mine.
  aphorism ['æfərɪzəm] n 格言,警语;
  maxim ['mæksɪm] n 格言,箴言;
  apothegm ['æpəθem] n 格言;
  dictum ['dɪktəm] n 格言,名言
  proverb ['prɒvəb] n 谚语
  eg. can you think of a proverb about time?
  proverbial [prə'vɜ:bɪəl] adj 谚语的,如同谚语的,众所周知的
  saying ['seɪɪŋ] n 谚语,俗话,格言;
  adage ['ædɪdʒ] n 格言,古训;
  saw [sɔ:] n 格言,谚语;
  byword ['baɪwɜ:d] n >谚语,俗语
  "e [kwəʊt] v 引用,引述
  eg. if you want to "e her remark, please let me know.
  "able ['kwəʊtəbl] adj 可引用的,有引用价值的;
  extract ['ekstrækt] n 摘录,选录;
  excerpt ['eksɜ:pt] n 摘录,选录,节录
  "ation [kwəʊ'teɪʃn] n 引文,引语,语录
  calligraphy [kə'lɪgrəfɪ] n 书法
  eg. when will you make up your mind to study calligraphy?
  calligrapher [kə'lɪgrəfə(r)] n 书法家;
  copybook ['kɒpɪbʊk] n 习字帖,练字本
  penmanship ['penmənʃɪp] n 书法,笔法,笔迹;
  handwriting ['hændraɪtɪŋ] n 笔迹,书法
  practice ['præktɪs] n 训练,练习
  eg. without a lot of practice you can't speak english very fluently.
  practise ['præktɪs] v 练习;
  practiced ['præktɪst] adj 熟练的,经验丰富的;
  workbook ['wɜ:kbʊk] n 练习本,工作笔记本
  jot [dʒɒt] v 匆匆记下
  eg. in case i forget your address, i will jot it down in my notebook.
  jottings ['dʒɒtɪŋz] n 简短的笔记;
  jotter ['dʒɒtə(r)] n 便携本,匆匆记下者;
  notebook ['nəʊtbʊk] n 笔记本
  revise [rɪ'vaɪz] v 修订,复习
  eg. our english teacher is telling us what we should revise for the final examination.
  revision [rɪ'vɪʒn] n 修订,复习;
  revised [rɪ'vaɪzd] adj 经过修订的
  review [rɪ'vju:] v 复习,审查;n 复习,审查
  professor [prə'fesə(r)] n 教授
  eg. a well-known professor will give us a lecture about language the day after tomorrow.
  professorial [ˌprɒfə'sɔ:rɪəl] adj 教授的,像教授的;
  professorship [prə'fesəʃɪp] n 教授的职位,被聘为教授;
  associate professor 副教授;
  assistant professor 助理教授