1 教育体系
作者:李文昊      更新:2022-02-19 10:29      字数:7637
  chapter 6
  1 教育体系
  school [sku:l] n 学校
  eg. my daughter found a wallet on her way to school.
  school age 学龄,学龄期;
  schooldays ['sku:ldeɪz] n 学生时代;
  schooling ['sku:lɪŋ] n 学校教育;
  schoolteacher ['sku:lti:tʃə(r)] n (中小学)教师
  schoolmate ['sku:lmeɪt] n 同学
  eg. i had never expected that i could meet my old schoolmate in this place.
  schoolfellow ['sku:lfeləʊ] n 同学;
  school friend 同窗,校友;
  classmate ['klɑ:smeɪt] n 同班同学
  schoolchild ['sku:ltʃaɪld] n 学童,小学生
  eg. as a schoolchild, you should obey school rules.
  schoolboy ['sku:lbɔɪ] n 男学生;
  schoolgirl ['sku:lgɜ:l] n 女生,女学生;
  pupil ['pju:pl] n 学生,(尤指)小学生;
  schoolchildren ['sku:ltʃɪldrən] n 中小学生
  schoolmaster ['sku:lmɑ:stə(r)] n 教师,男教员,校长
  eg. my grandpa is the schoolmaster of a village school.
  preceptor [prɪ'septə] n 教师;
  pedagogue ['pedəgɒg] n 教师,教育者
  educate ['edʒʊkeɪt] v (在学校)教育
  eg. teachers should educate students to have good manners.
  educated ['edʒʊkeɪtɪd] adj 受过良好教育的;
  education [ˌedʒʊ'keɪʃn] n (尤指)学校教育;
  educational [ˌedʒʊ'keɪʃənl] adj 教育的,有教育意义的;
  educative ['edjʊkətɪv] adj 有教育作用的
  preschool ['pri:sku:l] n 幼儿园
  eg. i think your son is old enough to go to preschool.
  kindergarten ['kɪndəgɑ:tn] n 学前班,幼儿园;
  pre-school ['pri:sku:l] adj 学龄前的;
  pre-schooler [ˌpri:'sku:lə] n 学龄前儿童
  playschool ['pleɪsku:l] n 幼儿园
  eg. my son was sent to a playschool three days ago.
  nursery ['nɜ:sərɪ] adj 幼儿教育的; n 幼儿园;
  nursery rhyme 童谣,儿歌
  nursery school ['nɜ:sərɪ][sku:l] 托儿所
  eg. being a teacher in the nursery school can be hard work.
  day nursery 日间托儿所;
  day-care center 托儿所;
  creche [kreʃ] n 托儿所;
  child-care centre 托儿所
  elementary school [ˌelɪ'mentrɪ][sku:l](美国)小学
  eg. every day i have to pick up my son who is in an elementary school.
  primary school(英国)小学;
  junior school 小学;
  grade school 小学
  elementary [ˌelɪ'mentrɪ] adj 初级的,基础的
  eg. as far as i know, she only received elementary education.
  beginner [bɪ'gɪnə(r)] n 初学者;
  rudiment ['ru:dɪmənt] n 初步,初级;
  tyro ['taɪrəʊ] n 初学者
  primary ['praɪmərɪ] adj 初等教育的,小学教育的
  secondary['sekəndrɪ] adj 中等教育的,中学的
  eg. if my memory serves me right, mary sent me this birthday present when we were in the secondary school.
  secondary education 中等教育;
  secondary school 中等学校,中学;
  grammar school 文法学校
  college ['kɒlɪdʒ] n 大学,学院
  eg. can you tell me the name of your college?
  collegiate [kə'li:dʒɪət] adj 大学的,学院的;
  tertiary college 职业专科学校
  university [ˌju:nɪ'vɜ:sətɪ] n (综合性)大学,高等学府
  graduate school ['grædʒʊət][sku:l] 研究生院
  eg. i am glad to hear that you will seek further education in graduate school.
  undergraduate [ˌʌndə'grædʒʊət] n 本科生;
  postgraduate [ˌpəʊst'grædʒʊət] n 研究生;
  further education 进修,深造
  literacy ['lɪtərəsɪ] n 读写能力
  eg. is it necessary for us to test his literacy?
  literal ['lɪtərəl] adj 字面意义的;
  literally ['lɪtərəlɪ] adv 按字面,字面上;
  literate ['lɪtərət] adj 有读写能力的;
  illiterate [ɪ'lɪtərət] adj 不会读写的,文盲的
  the ivy league [ðə]['aɪvɪ][li:g] 常春藤联合会(美国)
  eg. name the universities which belong to the ivy league.
  harvard ['hɑ:vəd] n 哈佛大学;
  yale [jeɪl] n 耶鲁大学;
  stanford university 斯坦福大学;
  princeton university 普林斯顿大学;
  massachusetts institute of technology 麻省理工学院
  oxbridge ['ɒksbrɪdʒ] n 牛津剑桥大学(以区别英国其他大学)
  eg. if you go to oxbridge, i bet that you can receive a good university education.
  oxford ['ɒksfəd] n 牛津大学;
  cambridge ['kæmbrɪdʒ] n 剑桥大学
  lesson ['lesn] n 课,教学单元
  eg. she earned her living by giving lessons to students.
  unit ['ju:nɪt] n 单元,课;
  subject ['sʌbdʒɪkt] n 学科,科目;
  syllabus ['sɪləbəs] n 课程大纲;
  programme ['prəʊgræm] n 教学大纲,课程
  curriculum [kə'rɪkjələm] n 全部课程
  eg. i am going to write a curriculum planning and i want you to give
  me some suggestions.
  curricular [kə'rɪkjələ(r)] adj 课程的;
  extra-curricular ['ekstrəkə'rɪkjələ(r)] adj 课外的,课程以外的;
  coursework ['kɔ:sˌwɜ:k] n 课程作业
  discipline ['dɪsəplɪn] n 纪律,行为准则
  eg. all the students in the school must observe the school discipline
  which is made by the headmaster.
  disciplinary ['dɪsəpləˌneri:] adj 有关纪律的;
  disciplinarian [ˌdɪsəplɪ'neərɪən] n 严格执行纪律者
  academy [ə'kædəmɪ] n 专科学院
  eg. my neighbour's son is studying in an academy of music.
  academia [ˌækə'di:mɪə] n 学术界;
  academic [ˌækə'demɪk] adj 学业的,学术的;
  institute ['ɪnstɪtju:t] n 学会,学院
  term [tɜ:m] n 学期
  eg. i am your english teacher this term,and you can call me miss gao.
  termly ['tɜ:mlɪ] adj 定期的; adv 定期;
  term-time ['tɜ:m'taɪm] n 学期;
  term paper 学期报告
  semester [sɪ'mestə(r)] n 学期
  confer [kən'fɜ:(r)] v 授予
  eg. certificate of honor will be conferred on the students who perform well in school.
  conferment [kən'fɜ:mənt] n 给予,授予,商量;
  honor ['ɒnə(r)] n 荣誉;
  honor roll 优秀生名单,光荣榜;
  honorary ['ɒnəˌreri:] adj 荣誉的,名誉的,道义上的
  degree [dɪ'gri:] n (大学)学位
  eg. i got a degree in law three years ago.
  bachelor ['bætʃələ(r)] n 学士;
  doctor ['dɒktə(r)] n 博士;
  master's degree 硕士学位
  master ['mɑ:stə(r)] n 硕士
  eg. do you know that she is dating with a master?
  ma (=master of arts) 文科硕士;
  mba (=master of degree in business) 工商管理硕士
  course [kɒː(r)s] n 课程,讲座
  eg. we must attend a training course next monday.
  forum ['fɔ:rəm] n 讲坛,论坛;
  academician [əˌkædə'mɪʃən] n 院士;
  specialist ['speʃəlɪst] n 专家;expert ['ekspɜ:t] n 专家
  major ['meɪdʒə(r)] n v 主修
  eg. can you tell me your major in university?
  specialty ['speʃəltɪ] n 专业;
  specialize ['speʃəlaɪz] v 专攻;
  minor ['maɪnə(r)] v 辅修
  elective [ɪ'lektɪv] n 选修科目
  eg. do you want to take japanese as an elective next term?
  optional ['ɒpʃənl] adj 可选择的;
  option ['ɒpʃn] n 选择,选择权;
  optional course 选修课
  mentor ['mentɔ:(r)] n 导师,顾问
  eg. my mentor is professor wang with rigorous scholarship.
  mentoring ['menˌtɔ:ɪŋ] n 顾问指导(方法);
  preceptor [prɪ'septə] n 导师,教师
  thesis ['θi:sɪs] n 毕业论文
  eg. when do you start your thesis?
  dissertation [ˌdɪsə'teɪʃn] n 论文;
  paper ['peɪpə(r)] n 论文;
  synopsis [sɪ'nɒpsɪs] n 摘要;
  proposition [ˌprɒpə'zɪʃn] n 命题
  theme [θi:m] n 题目,主题
  eg. the theme of our meeting is how to improve our work efficiency.
  themed [θimd] adj 以……为主题的;
  theme music 主题音乐;
  theme park 主题公园;
  thematic [θɪ'mætɪk] adj 主题的
  scholar ['skɒlə(r)] n 学者,奖学金获得者
  eg. as a scholar, he is so modest and prudent that we all respect him.
  scholarly ['skɒləli:] adj 勤奋好学的,有学问的
  savant ['sævənt] n 博学之士,学者;
  pundit ['pʌndɪt] n 学者,权威的人
  bursary ['bɜ:sərɪ] n 奖学金,财务处
  eg. our college will issue a large amount of bursaries to students who perform well in school.
  bursar ['bɜ:sə(r)] n 得奖学金的学生,会计;
  subsidy ['sʌbsədɪ] n 津贴,补助金
  financial aid 助学贷款,助学金
  scholarship ['skɒləʃɪp] n 奖学金
  consolation prize [ˌkɒnsə'leɪʃn][praɪz] 安慰奖
  eg. even though we didn't win the match eventually, but at least we
  got a consolation prize.
  console [kən'səʊl] v 安慰,慰问; n 控制板,操纵台;
  consolatory [kən'sɒlətərɪ] adj 安慰的,慰问的;
  consolation [ˌkɒnsə'leɪʃn] n 安慰,慰藉
  night school [naɪt][sku:l] 夜校
  eg. my workmate tony decided to go to night school to learn something about accounting.
  evening class 夜校课程
  night class 夜校;
  twilight class 夜校
  remediation [rɪˌmi:dɪ'eɪʃn] n 补习
  eg. his mother decided to get a tutor to make remediation for his 他母亲决定找一个家庭教师为他补习学校课程。
  remedial [rɪ'mi:dɪəl] adj (为后进生)补习的;
  remedial class 补习班
  day school [deɪ][sku:l] 私立走读学校
  eg. why don't we send our daughter to a day school nearby?
  boarding school 寄宿学校;
  day boy 走读男生;
  day pupil 走读生
  comprehensive [ˌkɒmprɪ'hensɪv] adj 全面的,综合的
  eg. is it true that your daughter is studying at the local comprehensive school?
  comprehensively [ˌkɒmprɪ'hensɪvlɪ] adv 全面地,彻底地;
  comprehensiveness [ˌkɒmprɪ'hensɪvnəs] n 综合,综合性
  integrated ['ɪntɪgreɪtɪd] adj 完整的,综合的
  conscientious [ˌkɒnʃɪ'enʃəs] adj 认真的,严谨的
  eg. he said that he wanted to be a conscientious worker and got
  praises from his boss.
  conscientiously [kɒnʃɪ'enʃəslɪ] adv 凭良心地,认真地;
  conscientiousness [ˌkɒnʃɪ'enʃəsnɪs] n 认真,尽责
  scrupulous ['skru:pjələs] adj 严格认真的,谨慎的
  tuition [tjʊ'ɪʃn] n 教学,讲授;学费
  eg. the desire for personal development and growth can be satisfied by providing tuition refunds.
  tuition fees 学费;educationalist [ˌedjʊ'keɪʃənəlɪst] n 教育家;
  educator ['edʒʊkeɪtə(r)] n 教育工作者,教师